Reykjavik City Library Fall Program

The Fall Program has taken off and there's plenty for everyone. Here's some of what our libraries are offering this semester. 


Grófin | overview

In Grófin there's emphasis on participation and co-creation in open spaces. To name a few projects that fit that description we have Opið samtal, where critical and respectful discussions take place and Community Co-Creation.

There are events for those who want to chat (e.g. Let's chat with an accent), write (such as Samskrifa) and listen (say Vínylkaffi).

There's no reason for teenagers to get bored at Grófin library (although that is totally OK too). The Anime Club has been popular for the past few years and now the Queer Print Club has taken off too. Regularly we have courses and workshops in the Music & Visual Media Studio, and this fall there will be courses in Adobe Premiere and Max/MSP.


Gerðuberg | overview 

Gerðuberg has arranged some environmentally friendly events this fall, such as Environmental Heroes! Hot chocolate and cleanup in the beginning of September and a lecture on dumpster diving in the beginning of October.

Reuse is one of the three R's of environmental protection (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) so why not bring used toys, lying around the home, and offer them some revival on a Toy Swap Market in October. Maybe you'll even find some old treasures to take home instead.

For creative people we offer workshops in Autumn Wreaths and Japanese Writing.


Spöngin | overview

Our Academic Cafés will continue, and everyone is welcome, although they are in Icelandic. This semester the topics are the weather, crossword puzzles and love letters.

Those who don't want to write pretty letters but rather tell someone off, might prefer the workshop Arguments for beginners and veterans and after that they might have gotten some material to work with in a Rap Music Workshop with the Daughters of Reykjavik. Then we have the introvert version; to have sock puppets do the talking.

For kids and teenagers we have workshops in Video Game Creation and Python CodingThe Comics club starts in September for 13-16 year olds.

Regular events keep their spot in Spöngin, such as Handicraft Time on Thursdays, Let's Play Games on Saturdays and Fabrication, the first Wednesday each month, where creatives of all ages meet to reuse some material for new crafts. 


Árbær | overview

In Árbær City Library handicrafts hold a special place, in good facilities, with three active handicraft clubs. Walk in sewing assistance is offered once a month during the winter months. 

Ásta Kristrún Ólafsdóttir will be exhibiting needlework images in her exhibition A Stitch in Time.

In October there will be a Yarn Swap Market for those who knit and crochet and long for an adventurous change in their yarn storage. A Plant Swap Market will be held for those wanting to update their plant storage ... 

Fabrication is held in Árbær the second Thursday each month, where creatives all ages meet to reuse some material for new crafts. 


Kringlan | overview

Theatre Café will continue this year, related to chosen shows in Reykjavík City Theater (Borgarleikhúsið). This semester we will discuss Með guð í vasanum, Fíasól and Aðventa.

Even though the hustle and bustle of Kringlan Mall is around the corner, there's calm to be found at the Kringlan library, where both reading circles and cozy reading club are held.

For those who are taking their first steps in speaking Icelandic, or are interested in other languages, we have Kakó lingua the third Sunday each month, where we offer a place to spend intercultural and inter-generational quality time together using visual co-creation and different languages in a friendly and inspiring environment. Let's chat and play games in Icelandic (Spilum og spjöllum) is held the second Thursday each month. 


Sólheimar | overview

This small and cozy branch, gets crowded with children in their pyjamas. Storytime in Pyjamas. For children who would rather make robots than listen to a goodnight story, we also offer a robot workshop the 25th of November.

Sharing economies, such as libraries, are essentially environmentally friendly. This year the Sólheimar branch celebrates 60 years from opening, and the anniversary has been celebrated with various exchange markets. A Home Decor & Art Swap Market will be held in the beginning of September and a Christmas Swap Market in December.

In Sólheimar, there's  Lesfriður | Reading in Peace every Wednesday evening. If you feel lonely reading, or if perhaps you're reading a rather scary book and would prefer some company, then Lesfriður might be something for you. 


Úlfarsárdalur | overview

Úlfarsárdalur Library is near to nature. In the beginning of September we will offer Storytime in Hiking Boots where artist Linda Ólafsdóttir and writer Margrét Tryggvadóttir will offer elightenment and art workshop. An Icelandic sign language interpreter will be with us. 

Lóaboratoríum will host a book café in September, where fans of jokes, pranks and mischief should not miss this opportunity to peek into the world of a person who is crazy (or stupid) enough to want to work as an artist in Iceland.

Open workshops are in Úlfarsárdalur first Thursday each month. This semester we offer a badge making workshopvinylcutter workshop and a music-sphero workshop where you learn how to make objects play music!

Regular events on Tuesdays are focused on being together, where we have Handicraft Time and Family Mornings.