A mockup of alphabet beads and other colorful beads.

Information about the event

15:30 - 17:30
Arts & Crafts

Fabrication | Bead bracelets

Wednesday May 8th 2024

Let's make bead bracelets!

Come to Fabrication in Spöngin and craft bead bracelets with us. Alphabet beads, colorful ball beads and lovely decorative beads available. Younger children should be accompanied by an adult that can assist them with more complex tasks.

The event is appropriate for folks of all ages, and we especially encourage adults to participate and allow themselves to be creative, regardless of "artistic talents". Tools and materials will be provided, but feel free to bring your own if you like! The event is free and no sign-up is required.

Fabrication takes place at the Reykjavík City Library in Spöngin on the first Wednesday of every month, and at the Reykjavík City Library in Árbær on the second Thursday of every month.

The event on facebook.

For further information, contact:
Védís Huldudóttir | Specialist
vedis.huldudottir@reykjavik.is | ✆ 411-6237